Student Voluteer Opportunities

Get involved with NASW-MO!

NASW-MO welcomes student involvement. Here are five ways you can connect!

  • Be a Member of the Board of Directors: Students can hold any position in the NASW-MO Board of Directors. Plus, the MSW representative and the BSW representative are reserved spots for students on the Board.
  • Be a Member of a Committee: Students are also welcome to be members of the committees here at NASW-MO. Contact the Missouri Chapter office for more information at 573.635.6965.
  • Volunteer at a Continuing Education Event: We encourage students to be ambassadors for all students at any continuing education event. A special discount rate will be given to student volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a student volunteer please contact the chapter office at 573.635.6965.
  • Testify to the Legislature: Testifying to the legislature is a great way for students to get involved. Testifying should be a practice students continue when they go into practice to influence the changes that affect the social work profession. Please contact the chapter office to find out more information about testifying.
  • Write Articles for the NASW-MO Newsletter: To be a published social work writer looks great on resumes for after graduation. If you have a paper you would like to summarize or just an article relating to a social justice issue, general social work practice, or the social work profession, please submit to the chapter office for possible publishing. The best way to submit an article is through email at